Fashion Encyclopedia

Try the practices of Items, Colors and Patterns.


Write the name of each item in the boxes under each photo. You can use HINTS below.

HINTS of Items :
belt/ earrings / jacket / cap / shoes / suit / sunglasses / shirt


Describe each item with their colors as SAMPLES. HINTS are below.

a green jacket blue and white sneakers


HINTS of Colors :

a black vest / a red bag / a green and black shirt / a pink dress / black pants / a beige coat/
a white sweater/a green, black and yellow shirt


Try to discribe each item as SAMPLES. You can use HINTS .

a pale blue, brown and yellow checked jacket a white, blac and red striped tie a white, black and brown checked pleated skirt


HINTS of Patterns :
a paleblue,dark blue and white striped tie / pale blue, brown and yellow checked shorts
/ a yellow, red, black and green checked scarf / a white and black striped shirt