A scenario for gSpeechless with happinessh

Based on part 3 &4 of this lesson, make a scenario for a drama. Please fill in the blanks. ( This script is showed with all the blanks filled.)

[ Cathleen and Gaillard are seated face to face in a 1(tea shop ) . Cathleen finishes 2 ( eating ) a cake. ]

Gaillard : 3 ( Would you like another cake )?

Cathleen : Wellc but c

Gaillard : 4 ( Go on. Please take one). Donft hesitate.

Cathleen : Oh, thank you, but I wonft. Ifm full.

Gaillard : c Well, 5 ( may I ask your name ) ?

Cathleen : Cathleen. My name is Cathleen.

Gailliard :cSo ,Cathleen, 6 ( tell me, what do you read )?

Cathleen : Chekhov and James Joyce and James Stephens and c

[ Cathleen 7 (stops suddenly). ]

Gaillard : 8 ( I must lend you a book sometime).

[ Cathleen looks at 9( the tea leaves in the bottom of his cup). She 10( pours )him a 11 ( second

cup ).]

[ Gaillard looks 12 ( steadily ) at her for a few seconds ]

Gaillard : 13 ( I often wonder what young girls like you think. What do you think about ?)

Cathleen : 14 ( I donft think very much really. I think about getting new clothes or going on my holidays or what wefll have for lunch).

[ Gaillard 15( sighs ). Cathleen 16 ( titters ).]

Cathleen : 17 ( Some girls think of marrying rich men). 18 ( One girl I know thinks only of her hair). 19 ( She washes it every night and measures how much it grows in a week).

[ Gaillard looks at 20( his watch ).]

Gaillard : 21 ( Ifm sorry I have to go now. I was to see somebody at four, and itfs half past four already. )

Cathleen : 22 ( Ifm sorry for keeping you).

[ Gaillared 23( pays ) the bill and takes his cap off the 24( rack ) near the door. Gaillared and Cathleen stand on 25 ( the stone step).]

Gaillard : 26 ( Thank you. A pleasant encounter.)

Cathleen : 27 ( Thank you for inviting me ).

[ Gaillard 28( raises ) his cap and 29( goes ) away.
Cathleen 30( puts out her hand) and 31 (catches only the rain). ]