What's this? ( Pair Work, Information Gap Activity )

The sheet for StudentA is different from the one for StudentB. Use the conversation below and ask your partner about the blanks you have. Fill up them having conversations.

S1: What's this?

S2: It's a frying pan.

S1: What's it used for?

S2: It's used for cooking.

S1's sheet          S2's sheet
It's a        .

It's used for        .
It's a frying pan.

It's used for cooking.


S1: What's this?

S2: It's a         .

S1: What's it used for?

S2: It's used for          .

StudentA's Sheet
(1) It's a      .

It's used for       .
(2) It's a cushion.

It's used for sitting and relaxing.
(3) It's a      .

It's used for       .
(4) It's a dictionary.

It's used for finding the meaning of words.
(5) It's an        .

It's used for       .
(6) It's chalk.

It's used for writing and drawing on a blackboard.

StudentB's Sheet
(1) It's a scarf.

It's used for staying warm in winter.
(2) It's a       .

It's used for       .
(3) It's a helmet.

It's used for riding a motorcycle.
(4) It's a       .

It's used for      .
(5) It's an iron.

It's used for ironing clothes.
(6) It's       .

It's used for        .