How do you like this item? ( Pair Work )


Let's have conversations with your partner using the photos below as EXAMPLE1( for singular item ) and EXAMPLE2( for plural item ).

A: How do you like my new shirt?

B: You look terrific./ It looks terrific.
  I like it.

A: Thank you.

A: How do you like my new sunglasses?

B: You look terrific. / They look terrific.
  I like them.

A: Thank you.

Try to have conversations about these photos.If you forget the name of the items, return Fashion Encyclopedia .


Let's have conversations; If you like the item, use PATTERN A. If you don't like the item, use PATTERN B.

A: How do you like my new jacket?

B: It's nice.
 ( beautiful/ terrific / cool
  / cute ...etc. )

  I like the pattern very much.
      ( color / design )

A: Thank you.

A: How do you like my new jacket?

B: It's OK.
 ( It's not my taste / I don't like it ...etc.)

  I don't like the pattern.
         ( color / design )

A: Oh.

Using these photos, have conversations with your partner. ( Be careful about singular or plural.)