[ To Japanese ]

In this lesson, students will learn about a "potluck" party. It will also help them to remember the expression " I brought ... "

To start the activity the first person says:

  1. I WENT TO A POTLUCK PARTY AND I BROUGHT ... and then says something starting with a.
  2. The next person says I WENT TO A POTLUCK PARTY AND I BROUGHT B ... and ( the first person's name ) brought a ...

Each person says the phrase " I WENT TO A POTLUCK PARTY and ... ", says what they brought and then repeats what everyone else brought. ( See the Example of activity )

The students should not take a long time to think about what they bring. This slows down the activity and makes it less interesting. Keep the pace going. If they need help, offer them a suggestion or let the other students help them.

Write the students' names ( first or last names ) on the board in the order they speak so that everyone will remember the names and only have to think of the foods they brought.

Don't use the letters q, u, x, z. ( See the suggestions below.)

Example of activity

Susan : I went to a Potluck Party and I brought apples.

Kenji : I went to a Potluck Party and I brought bananas and Susan brought apples.

Jun : I went to a Potluck Party and I brought cake and Kenji brought bananas and Susan brought apples.

Hiroko : I went to a Potluck Party and I brought doughnuts, Jun brought cake, Kenji brought bananas and Susan brought apples.


A apples, almonds
B bananas, bacon
C cake, curry rice, cheese
D doughnuts
E eggs, eggplant
F fish, french fries, fruit
G gum, ginger ale
H hot dogs, hamburgers
I ice cream
J jelly, jam
K kiwis
L lemons, lettuces
M melons, muscats, mashed potatoes
N nuts
O omelette, oranges
P pie, pudding
R roast beef, roast chicken
S spagheti, steak, strawberries
T tacos, tomatos
V vitamins
W watermelon,wine
Y yogurt