Food / A Potluck Party


   " Welcome to our party." - " It's great to be here." 
   " I'm sorry I'm late." - " That's all right."
   " Would you like to try some?" - " I'd like to. / Sure."
   " Thank you for inviting me. I had a wonderful time." - " Thank you for coming. I'm glad you enjoyed it."



  What is the name of this food? では、食べ物の名前を学習し、語彙を増やす。

  I WENT TO A POTLUCK PARTY. も食べ物の名前の学習だが、授業のウオーミングアップにも使える。

  A Potluck Party は シナリオを生徒たちに作らせてロールプレイさせたい。 An example of a Potluck Party として例文も載せているので、そちらも参照されたい。