Market Research ( Simulative Game )

[ To Japanese ]

This game is made up of three parts; Market Research , Making a Report and Sales Meeting .
You are a sales clerk at a clothing shop. You have to research what kinds of items sell well before you stock up with them. After researching, you have to make your report about your item; It( They ) will sell well or it ( they )won't sell well. You report your research to other members of your shop at the sales meeting. You can use the photos in Fashion Encyclopedia .

Part1: Market Research

At first, you choose a photo of an item ( a pair of items ). Write the features of this item in the researching sheet .
Second, you have to interview 5 boys and 5 girls about your item, using this conversation ; " Excuse me. I'm a sales clerk at HIKARI clothing shop. How do you like this ( these ) ....? " The person who is asked answers the conversation pattern of How do you like this item ?

Sample Conversation:
A: Excuse me. I'm a stuff of HIKARI clothing shop.
 How do you like this jacket?

B: It's cool. I like the pattern.

A: Thank you.

Researching Sheet ( of Sample Conversation )
Features of the item(items) / a yellow, pink and black checked jacket
boys girls
like it(them) don't like it(them) like it(them) don't like it(them)
color design pattern color design pattern color design pattern color design pattern
       1   1     3     2   2       1
     1        4       4      1

Researching Sheet

Features of the item(items) /
boys girls
like it(them) don't like it(them) like it(them) don't like it(them)
color design pattern color design pattern color design pattern color design color

Part2 : Making a Report

According to the results of your research, make your report similar to the example. The last comment ( it sells well or it won't sell well ) is YOUR opinion.

Example :

My item is a yellow, pink and black checked jacket. I asked 5 boys and 5 girls. One boy and 4 girls like it but 4 boys and 1 girl don't like it. It will sell well. ( OR It won't sell well.)

Worksheet :

My item(s) is (are ) (             ). I asked (                   ).


Part3 : Sales Meeting

You make a speech about your research to other members in your shop. If possible, you make a speech, showing your item(s). Other members of the shop write down the features of the item(s), how many people like it(them), the researcher's comments and your personal comments on the item(s).

Example :
features of the item(s) like it(them) not like it(them) researcher's comments your comments
a yellow, pink and black checked jacket B --- 1
G --- 4
B --- 4
G --- 1
It will sell well. It's nice.      

Worksheet for sales meeting
features of the item(s) like it(them) not like it(them) researcher's comments your comments

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